Custody Battles: Protect Your Children’s Best Interests

Divorce doesn’t have to be a fight to the death—especially when there are kids involved.

I know it’s tempting to lawyer up and go to war over custody, but trust me, it’s usually a huge (and expensive) mistake. Going the traditional route can mean thousands of dollars wasted on legal fees, months of stress, and, worst of all, putting your kids through an unnecessary emotional roller coaster. There’s a better way—mediation.

If you and your spouse are about to battle it out in court over who gets the kids on weekends, stop and take a breath. I’ve seen it happen too many times—couples who start with the best intentions end up caught in a custody fight that drains their bank accounts and wrecks their peace of mind. Pro-tip: In mediation, we can skip all that drama. Instead, we work together to create a parenting plan that actually works for your family—one that keeps everyone happy (especially the kids) and saves you thousands.

When you choose mediation, you’re not just saving money. You’re protecting your children from being used as pawns in a legal tug-of-war. Instead of lawyers and judges making decisions about your family, you and your spouse stay in control. We sit down together and come up with a plan that fits your specific situation—whether it’s shared custody, visitation schedules, or even how you’ll handle holidays. And because we’re not locked into a courtroom battle, the whole process is faster, less painful, and most importantly, it keeps the peace.

At, I specialize in helping California couples finalize their divorce while protecting what matters most—their family. Mediation allows you to keep things amicable, safeguard your kids’ well-being, and avoid the financial disaster that a drawn-out custody battle can bring. Let’s work together to make sure your divorce stays friendly, fair, and most importantly, focused on your children’s best interests.

Kristina Kell

Kristina Kell is a CA Family Law and Divorce Attorney with over 15-years of family law experience in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. For couples who want to keep it friendly, stay out of court and keep their money, Kristina Kell at Modern Divorce Mediation offers state of the art, modern remote divorce mediation.

Home Sweet Home: How Divorce Mediation Saved the Family Home and Equity


Save Your Money for Better Things: How Mediation Can Cut Divorce Costs in California